I want to relate to you a situation that happened today.
My fiance, until last week, was working as an independent contractor at the Denver, Colorado offices of TIAA-CREF. She is a fibromyalgia sufferer and has had an extended flare (very rare) for the past week, which caused her to miss several days of work. TIAA-CREF chose to terminate her contract with them, a technically permissible action, though questionable on the ethics. Friday, she sent a message to Bret Deardorff (bdeardorff@tiaa-cref.org) informing him that I would be coming this morning (Monday, December 17th) to retrieve her personal effects like her mp3 player and her purse, which she accidently left at work last week.
When I arrived at their office this morning, I went straight to their security desk, which is located on the 28th floor of the building they are in (note that I am leaving the actual address out, please) and attempted to request one of the TIAA-CREF staff retrieve her belongings. I had her security badge with me, in case they requested it, and the key to her desk. The security guard (Wes) stated he could not reach anyone to help unless I knew their LAST name. At the time, the information was on my fiance's Yahoo! Mail account. I tried to reach her by phone while I was there, but was unsuccessful. I informed the security guard that I would have to go back home to retrieve the information he requested, but he refused to allow me to leave unless I surrendered her badge immediately. Begrudgingly, I gave it to him, but kept her desk key, intending on contacting Bert Deardorff to request his presence when I returned. When I got home, we found a letter from Chris Weston (head of Global System Staffing) insisting on a contact phone number for Laura. It seems TIAA-CREF had told him that Laura gave me her security badge and that I was wandering around the building in violation of security rules, which was a blatant lie.
I sent an email informing them that the security guard's action to detain me was an illegal detainment which could subject them to civil litigation action by me and that their lack of cooperation in returning Laura's belongings were, under Colorado law, an act of criminal theft (failure to surrender property to its rightful owner when demanded), but that, as a professional courtesy between nonprofit organizations (I run House Wyldstar) I was willing to overlook this misconduct if they would simply return my fiance's belongings because she needs her ID for a plane flight Wednesday morning.
Chris Weston flamed back an email accusing me of threatening them and violating TIAA-CREF security, which I never did either of those, I merely pointed out the misconduct of their staff in the situation and reminded them of the potential effects of it.
I will admit, my last email was slightly more than heated, though I did my best not to become abusing towards them. I was originally, in response to their attitudes, going to have a civil escort go with me this afternoon. I thought it might be prudent to have an officer assist me with this crazy situation. Unfortunately the Denver Police Department did not have one available before 5pm, so I will have to do it in the morning.
Such misconduct is unbecoming to ANY organization, much less one with as much responsibility as TIAA-CREF. I would personally NEVER treat anyone like this and would NOT let a situation like this get out of hand like they have done, but after viewing the wide variety of consumer complaints against TIAA-CREF, I am really not surprised.
And by the way, if anyone from TIAA-CREF wishes to challenge my statements here, I have the emails mentioned saved and could easily post them online for everyone to view. Or we could post the security video of my visit there and let the rest of the world judge for themselves. Think about it.
December 20, 2007
This situation has been more or less resolved.
My fiance contacted the TSA (airport security) and learned that her student ID would suffice for boarding her airplane. Subsequently she had contact with Chris Webster (who is actually an executive with Global System Solutions, a TIAA-Cref contractor, and not TIAA-Cref itself) and agreed to have her belongings shipped to our home.
We were also informed that I have effectively been banned from the Denver TIAA-Cref occupied building by Mr. Webster, although I am not certain he has the authority to do that. Personally, I could care less if the building suddenly collapsed around him, except one of my favorite Starbuck's is also in the building. I guess one cannot truly consider themselves an activist until they have either been arrested during a protest (which almost did happen to me years ago, but that is another story) or have been banned from a facility for standing up to governmental or corporate misconduct and corruption. Perhaps I should take this incident as my ''coming of age'' event, maybe?
I am posting this information in several posts beginnig with Post No.1:
When writing to TIAA-CREF to complain about Cris Webster, I hope you kept/keep in mind the following:
"IAA-CREF Individual & Institutional Services, LLC, and Teachers Personal Investors Services, Inc., Members FINRA, distribute securities products. Annuity contracts and certificates are issued by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) and College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF), New York, NY.
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF) is one of the largest financial services companies in the United States, with $398 billion in assets under management as of September 30, 2008.
The organization helps meet the financial needs of approximately 3.6 million individuals and 15,000 institutions in the academic, research, medical, cultural and nonprofit fields. Much of TIAA-CREF operates on a nonprofit basis, with surplus returned to participants. TIAA-CREF is headquartered in New York City and has major offices in Denver, Colorado; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Dallas, Texas; as well as 60 local offices throughout the United States. The company ranks 86th on Fortune's list of the 500 largest corporations in America. The company owns the Walkers Stadium where Leicester City play their football matches[citation needed."
Post no.3:
Legally my words are only hearsay; however, I hope they help your fiancé/wife. Fibromyalgia can be triggered and worsened by stress. Perhaps, she & you will find this information helpful when & if again you try to write to TIAA-CREF. If your wife recognizes behavior she personally saw Mr. Webster exhibit, such as undermining her & other employees’ performance with innuendo & gossip, she may want to include her perceptions of Mr. Webster in your letter.
There are many ways to fight in justice in the work place & corporate structures exist for reasons – going directly to the top executive to resolve a problem sidesteps middle men desiring to quash your comments to protect their jobs. If the executives at TIAA-CREF don’t listen to you, by sending a copy of your letter to a labor-rights friendly newspaper columnist and/or TV station in Denver will alert them to possible improprieties against employees at TIAA-CREF & will keep TIAA-CREF’s human resource department & PR department on their toes.
If your fiancé was an independent contractor with TIAA-CREF, due to his & his company’s competition with her & his financially motivated desire to fill her position, I hypothesize that Cris Webster manipulated the management at TIAA-CREF to have her fired. I hope you informed the CEO of TIAA-CREF and each of its board of directors & the attorney who is head of TIAA-CREF’s legal affairs in the corporate offices in New York City of Cris Webster’s behavior and lies. Even if Mr. Webster was the henchman of the immediate management at TIAA-CREF in Denver, I doubt senior-executive management in New York would approve of Cris Webster’s tactics, lack of business acumen, lies, &/or his unprofessional conduct while professing to represent them.
TIAA-CREF primarily represents academics, academic institutions, doctors, etc., and because much of the company operates on a non-profit basis and due to its ties to academia & the medical profession, it tends to have a somewhat higher sense of morals & ethics when dealing with its permanent and/or contractual employees; therefore, even now, I suggest you inform them & appeal to them on an ethical as well as a professional & legal basis.
From personal knowledge, I know that in 2007, the Webster’s were constantly e-mailing each other about getting some women fired at the TIAA-CREF’s Denver office.
In either the late spring, summer or the early fall of 2007, Mr. Webster’s father joked about sending everyone champagne because they (the Websters) had succeeded in contributing to having a woman who formerly worked on staff at TIAA-CREF in Denver fired who I believe had formerly supervised or partially oversaw Cris Webster’s work. They also made other references to other contractors that they’d helped to have fired. They were gleeful about the destructive influence they had in their victims’ lives.
Post No. 2:
Because of TIAA-CREF’S unique history, reason for existence, investors, & structure, and because they are largely non-profit, I also believe it would never be too late to report Mr. Webster’s actions to the Chief Executives of TIAA-CREF in New York City. See: Roger W. Ferguson Jr. takes the helm of TIAA-CREF - http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20080414/REG/376367573. If you send Mr. Ferguson a succinct, polite letter via certified mail return receipt with a c.c. to the local papers and the Denver office’s top executive, even now, you may make a difference and stop Mr. Webster and other consultant’s and/or employees of TIAA-CREF from abusing their positions: Mr. Roger Ferguson, Jr., President & CEO, Tiaa-Cref, 730 3rd Ave # 26, New York, New York 10017-3206, URL: www.tiaa-cref.org, Phone: 1 (212)490-9000, Fax: 1 (212)916-4843 – keep in mind, Mr. Ferguson has made comments to the press regarding his concern that the “dignity of Americans” be considered in their retirement plans; therefore, I believe he might be concerned about protecting the dignity of his permanent & contractual employees. See: http://www.401khelpcenter.com/press_2009/pr_tiaa-cref_101909.html. For other executives at TIAA-CREF see: http://www.tiaa-cref.org/public/about/press/management/index.html. Specifically, I suggest you send a copy of your letter to the following executives at TIAA-CREF: Dermot J. O’Brien, Executive V.P Human Resources & Corporate Services; Brandon Becker, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, (B.A., University of Minnesota; J.D., University of San Diego School of Law; LL.M, Columbia Law School); & Cara l. Schnaper, Executive Vice President, Technology and Operations (B.S. and M.B.A, Cornell University)
I am sorry for you and your fiancé (by now, hopefully wife)’s experience with Cris Webster. However, to protect her professional reputation, I think it is never too late to write to TIAA-CREF & object to Mr. Webster’s actions.
I write to explain to you how Mr. Webster, his company Global Systems Solutions, and his family are unprofessional, & unethical. In fact, Mr. Webster is amoral in his personal & professional life. In the hopes that the information that I give you may help you understand Mr. Webster’s horrendous treatment of you & your wife and help you understand that his actions are typical of his unethical, cruel, & unprofessional behavior & possibly may not representative of TIAA-CREF.
Post no. 5:
Mr. Webster's father, Charles Webster (a.k.a. Chuck, Sr.) works for Global Systems Solutions as the Chief Financial Officer (he was formerly a retired, low to middle management accountant & bookkeeper who had been fired from a candy company in Philadelphia, PA, and, after which, before his retirement, had trouble keeping a job due to his arrogance and his religious bigotry.)
As I said, Cris Webster’s older brother Charles/Chuck was Global System Solutions’ Vice President, as well as a computer software consultant and the consultants’ supervisor (Charles, a.k.a. Chuck, is now a V.P. of Sumitomo Trust & Banking where he had initially worked as a consultant for Global Systems Solutions.) Prior to being trained by his brother Cris & SunGuard in various SunGuard Products, Chuck was in the process of being laid-off. Before working for Global Systems Solutions, since graduating from college, Chuck (Jr.) had been a lab chemist at a Multi-national, Agro-Pharmaceutical Chemical Company.)
Cris Webster, Chuck, and their father Chuck Sr. were the only permanent employees of Global Systems Solutions; however, to the companies that hired them as Consultants, they purposely gave the impression that they were much larger; were more knowledgeable of all SunGuard products & other computer software & computer programming; & were better educated & more experienced than they were. One of their cousins also worked for the Global Systems as a consultant. In 2007, their cousin also worked for TIAA-CREF in Denver. All other employees of Global Systems Solutions were independent contractors.
When she was still married to his first wife, she (Cris' now ex-wife) also worked in a managerial position for the company at their home office in Florida.
Cris Webster’s father and brother worked out of a condominium that Cris & Chuck (his brother) owned near their parent’s home in Holland, PA.
From 2000 to 2007, Cris, his father, & Chuck often sent e-mails back & forth discussing:
a. how to undermine competing contractors through gossip & innuendo including lying about their competitors;
b. how to ingratiate themselves with their employers by flattering & flirting with their female contacts in positions of power at the companies at which they consulted.
In 2007, while working at TIA-CREF, Cris, with his parents’ approval, got a consultant he had placed at TIAA-CREF pregnant; then, divorced his wife and eventually married the consultant who he had impregnated (that consultant was also married at the time & she divorced her husband to marry Cris Webster.)
With their father’s knowledge & approval, while they were married and while Chuck’s domestic partner was pregnant & Cris’ second wife was pregnant, both Cris & Chuck had affairs with female employees of the companies where they consulted.
Between 2000 & 2003, Chuck Webster, his father & Cris Webster, told Chuck's unsuspecting girlfriend(s) Chuck was divorced when Chuck was still married, living with his wife, and was not yet in the process of separating from his wife. They supported Chuck in his unfaithfulness to his wife & encouraged him to cheat on her. Chuck's then wife had no idea that Chuck's family supported him in his extra-marital affairs.
Post no. 4:
Cris Webster, President of Global Systems Solutions, founded the company in the late 1990s to provide computer consulting to companies using SunGuard Products. Formerly, Cris Webster had been a Software employee at SunGuard who helped companies setting up & train their staff on certain SunGuard products.
SunGuard’s software involves data storage & the retrieval and processing, tracking & financial assessment of data. SunGuard consultants are either data enterers and/or computer programmers familiar with other systems relevant to & possibly integrated with the SunGuard programs and/or linking SunGuard programs to existing programs used by various financial institutions.
Cris Webster was an English and Philosophy major at a small Catholic College on the East Coast. After college, on a fluke, he got a job at SunGuard and was trained by them on their software as a corporate trainer & implementer of their programs. To make more money and because he had had problems while consulting for SunGuard (on several occasions he was almost fired because of “personality problems” he had getting along with his bosses and fellow employees at the companies to whom he had been sent as a consultant &/or trainer), he left SunGuard and became an independent consultant. As an independent consultant, due to his temperament including his belligerence, rudeness, problems controlling his anger, & trying to undermine other competing consultants with malicious and often untrue gossip, Cris Webster often had problems with consulting firms that he worked for.
While out of work & finding it difficult to find a consulting company willing to risk hiring him, upon the advice of his then wife, Cris formed his own company, Global Systems Solutions, and primarily oversaw other independent contractors that he hired to work for companies using SunGuard thereby diminishing his own direct contact with the employees & the companies. His creation & opening of Global Systems Solutions fueled his already puffed up & exaggerated ego, and, as President of his company, his position made it easier for him to hide his unpleasant personality traits & biases (including 1. rudeness;2. inappropriate & cruel language & jokes; 3. sexual chauvinism; & prejudice against homosexuals, non Roman Catholics and anyone whose political beliefs were different than his, anyone he found physically unattractive, anyone he found more attractive than him who he feared was a possible threat to him, or anyone else he feared was better educated, more intelligent, or more knowledgeable than him including graduates from Ivy League colleges, Cal. Tech, MIT, RPI, and the big 10 – in short, he’s xenophobic & ignorant) from the people & companies who hired Global System Solutions to provide them with contract employees for SunGuard products. Self-absorbed, self-obsessed, & a narcissist, Cris Webster believes he is irresistibly attractive and brags about using his looks to manipulate men & women.
A short time after opening Global System Solutions, Cris Webster paid to have his brother Charles (a.k.a Chuck (Jr.)) who had a seemingly more affable & calm demeanor (actually he too is a gossip & a divisive competitor who undermines his competition through slander & innuendo while becoming a drinking buddy of the person directly hiring him as a consultant) as Global Systems Solutions front man & consultants’ supervisor.
At times, as with TIAA-CREF, Cris Webster also worked on site as Global System Solutions consultants’ supervisor.
Post no. 6:
huck's wife was 5 years older than Chuck & infertile due to an illness when she was in her late teens & early 20s. Prior to marrying Chuck, she had told him she didn't want to & couldn't have children. Chuck had been married to his wife for 15 years before he began demanding she have children. With his Father, brother's & possibly his Mother's knowledge (but without his wife's knowledge) since the third year of his marriage, Chuck had had extra-marital affairs.
Suspecting but not being able to prove Chuck's infidelities, his wife, at times, naturally became less affectionate to Chuck and turned to her Church for support.
At one point, 5 or 6 years into their marriage, circa 1994, Chuck’s wife left him; however, at that time, Vhuck & his wife had just bought a large & expensive home, in which they had invested all of their savings (except for the 2 bedroom condo in Holland, PA., which Chuck & his brother had bought, owned & lived in prior to Chuck's marrying his wife- which eventually, as of approximately 1999 - 1998 when it was created -housed Global Systems Solutions office in PA.) Unwillingly to loose or divide his investment with his wife & because, at that time, his wife made more money than he did, Chuck reconciled with his wife & to convince his wife to reconcile he told her that, during their separation, he had an epiphany and that: 1. he loved her above all else;2. he promised that he would be more supportive of her;3. insisted he had never cheated on her;4. he would stop flirting with other women;5. & would no longer allow his parents to treat her with disrespect – all his declarations were untrue. Just a week after he made these statements to his wife, while travelling in Australia & New Zealand with his brother Cris, Chuck began having sex with various women whom he met on that trip. To his family, he called his wife a “gold digger;” however, he was the person who remained in their marriage because he didn’t want to lose his investment or the comfort he had from their combined salaries.
Cris and Chuck (Jr.) Webster’s parents are “devout” Roman Catholics who don’t respect their son’s marriages if & when their sons have married non-Roman Catholics, even if those marriages were also blessed and performed by a Catholic priest, registered with the Catholic Church, and also performed by a Rabbi (in Cris Webster’s case.) Trying to create a catch 22 which would eventually allow him to divorce, Chuck Webster never had his marriage blessed and dually performed by a Roman Catholic Priest, only by his wife’s Protestant minister - because if you don’t marry a Roman Catholic and you are a Roman Catholic, the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t recognize the marriage.
In 2000, Chuck (Jr.), due to making more money than his wife because he now worked for Global Systems Solutions, became more carefree with his affairs. Between 2000 and 2003, while professing to be faithful to his wife, he often cheated with her on the Internet (placing ads for clandestine & casual sex with him, a married man, which even included masturbating in a chair in the den of their home, on video, while wearing his wedding ring), or at work, or when he travelled, and even on afternoons when he worked from home and his wife was in the USA at her office. Due to her work, his wife often travelled to Europe and while she was away from home for work & even when she was at the office, he brought women to their home and had sex with them in his marital bed and throughout their house. His brother & Father knew of these trysts & Chuck’s actions and did not condemn them but support Chuck.
post no. 7:
In the summer of 2003, while driving home with his brother from Jersey City, NJ, Chuck, Jr., a high-functioning alcoholic, got a D.U.I. in PA. Eventually, he had it expunged from his record; however, when he applied to work at Sumitomo as a consultant for Global Systems Solutions, for his security clearance, he swore & lied to Sumitomo telling them he had never been arrested and had no outstanding problems with the law; however, it was only after Chuck had been working at Sumitomo for a few weeks that his record was cleared. Until his DUI had been cleared, Chuck & his brother made ridiculous excuses for not getting Sumitomo the exact information & release forms; so that, the Bank could complete the security check. Their parents refer to Chuck’s arrest for driving while under the influence as the state being unfair to their son. They also said Chuck & Cris had similar problems in the past which were removed from their records. As a family they don’t appear to have any respeect for the truth, the law, or concern for other people’s well being.
Due to flattery, Cris Webster, while working at Chase in NYC, had worked for & ingratiated himself with the woman at Chase who was his boss and her husband who hired him & Global Systems for Sumitomo. Behind their backs, Cris made disparaging comments about them & how he was capable of manipulating them.
When Chuck began working at Sumitomo, with the other Global Systems employees placed at Sumitomo & other Sumitomo employees, he joked about the medical, physical disability of his boss, the man who had hired him, whose wife hired Cris at Chase. Chuck called his boss “shaky guy” because when his boss was agitated he shook & sometimes stuttered & yelled due to a medical condition.
Chuck Jr., Chuck Sr., & Cris pass e-mails to each other laughing about their employers. They aren’t kind, compassionate or loyal people. They use people for their own advancement while denigrating them. They will do anything to get ahead. Personally & professionally, they do not care about human life. They aren’t that intelligent.
Chuck Jr. eventually divorced his wife and attempted to have children with another woman. Over five years, they had two sets of triplets, a set of twins that died shortly after birth. The woman also had two other miscarriages and almost died attempting to have children. Chuck Jr., again with his family’s permission, cheated on her, and left her when, after their last children died, she had almost died, was unable to take care of herself and had few friends & family, and was now infertile.
Post no. 8:
Chuck Jr. eventually divorced his wife and attempted to have children with another woman. Over five years, they had two sets of triplets, and a set of twins that died shortly after birth. The woman also had two other miscarriages and almost died attempting to have children. Chuck Jr., again with his family’s permission, cheated on her, and left her when, after their last children died, she had almost died, was unable to take care of herself and had few friends & family, and was now infertile.
While recently dating Chuck, Jr., & staying overnigt with him at his apartment, he had to work at the office on the weekend, & he allowed me to use his computer. I have always been capable of accessing information. Initially, by accident, on his computer, I came across suspicious e-mails & information by & about him. I wasn't looking for a serious relationship; however, I don't like someone lying to me about their past or present. On his computer, I found & read:
a. all of his former domestic partner’s e-mails; b. his ex-wife’s e-mails; c. his e-mails to his brother & father over the last ten years; d. his recent e-mails to other women including women he was seeing while his ex-partner was pregnant(even though he told me & his ex-partner he was faithful when she was pregnant); e. other e-mails he recently sent to other women with whom he’s now having sex; f. his current Internet activity exposing other lies he told his ex-wife, his domestic partner, and other woman with whom he had & currently has relationships.
Chuck Webster isn't to be trusted and neither is is family, especially his brother. He doesn't appear to be a man capable of honesty or fidelity. According to his e-mails & his ex-partner's e-mails, when his children were born, he never showed up at the hospital. He didn’t help make critical decisions about their healthcare and he and his family refused to make arrangements for his children’s burials even though they were baptized by a Catholic priest.
Chuck's brother, Cris Webster, Cris’ second wife, and his parents, have purposely lied about Chuck & Cris’s marital & amorous histories; about Chuck’s past & present behavior; & about his marriage & his former domestic partnership. They call Chuck & Cris’ former girlfriends & wives horrendous names including “gold diggers”, “sluts,” “bitches,” and, even the “C” word – which any non misogynist with manners and any sense of human decency & respect wouldn’t consider saying.
I believe Cris & his second wife still live in Denver & work for TIAA-CREF.
Because I work in the same industry, in a weak economy, as a freelancer, I fear Chuck & Cris Webster's & their families’ possible retaliation & defamation of my character, I, therefore, chose not to confront Chuck with what I found out about him and his family. I simply stopped seeing him.
At all cost, Chuck Jr., his brother Cris, Global Systems Solution, & their parents should not be trusted & be avoided. In any work force, they are dangerous.
Post No 9 or 10?:
Cris Webster has no right to threaten you or your wife/fiance and ban you (plural) from the building when you solely go to purchase something at Starbuck's or are visiting non TIAA-CREF business on the property.
If TIAA-CREF owns the building and they wanted to bar you from going to and/or visiting other businesses renting space in the building, TIAA-CREF would have to apply for & get a restraining order barring you from the building and they would first have to appear in Court and justify such a request.
Mr. Webster is a bully and ignorant of the law in any state.
I sincerely doubt the TIAA-CREF executives would appreciate his having ever threatened you with such action over the return of you fiance/wife's belongings or banned you from the building.
While security at TIAA-CREF may have been instructed by Mr. Webster &/or TIAA-CREF to confiscate your wife/fiance's TIAA-CREF I.d. card, I am sure their legal department would/will be angry that Mr. Webster, a consultant & contracted employee had presumed to speak on TIAA-CREF's behalf (without having been instructed by TIAA-CREF) & banned you from the building.
If Mr. Webster's company Global Systems Solutions was your wife's employer at the time, you can report his behavior to the Attorney General's office in Colorado (their divison which deals with labor violations, complaints & abuses), the better business bureau in Denver, the Federal Department of Employment in Denver and similar agencies in Florida and Pennsylvania where Global Systems Solutions also had/has offices and is probably registered to do business.
Good luck in your pursuit f justice. It's worth it & is empowering.
If you get this note & it is helpful, would you kindly post a note on your site stating you recived comments from Anonymouse regarding similar problems. Thank you.
Good luck.
Also more news about Mr. Chris Webster he claims he lives in Florida while residing in Pennslyvania. He brags about how he doesn't have to pay state income tax. Since 2007 Mr. Webster has not lived in Florida yet he also claims homstead exemption (which lowers your property taxes) he also votes in Florida. Chris Webster has active driver's licenses from several states. Another example of what a liar and cheat he is.
Chris Webster is a person who lies to and cheats everyone he meets. Chris Webster also is a bully who constantly threatens co workers with vicious malicious behavior. He is an extremely vindicative person and is a danger to any of his co workers. Webster has threatened co workers with physical violence and has been escorted out of trust banks that have employed his "company". He is the most unprofessional person that I have ever met. Once you get to know the Webster family you realize evil does exist. Anyone who is thinking of hiring this man should think twice he is a liability!
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